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Friday, October 24, 2008

Mission Statement of Innovative Systems LLC

"Our Mission Statement"

  • Do the Right Thing
    No value has served us as well or more often.
    Do the Right Thing serves as the genesis of trust, the foundation for fairness and the linchpin for empowerment. This value is in fact our operational compass. Because as you do the right thing, the right things happen.
    Every decision, from the critical to the seemingly inconsequential, is weighed against this value. As it always leads us to doing the virtuous and good.
  • Help One Another
    A simple credo. One most of us learned in kindergarten. And then, sadly, unlearned as we entered the work world. For many, it all became about getting ahead and making a name for themselves. It became all about "me".
    This "Me" generation has never existed at Innovative Systems LLC. The "Thee Before Me" generation got here first.
    History has shown us that man's greatest achievements are not from acts of individual greatness, but rather numerous, individual acts of each of us helping one another. And not so much worrying about "what's in it for me", but "whats in it for we."
  • Deliver Raving Service
    Superior? Compared to whom? Excellent? Cliché. Outstanding? Lackluster. For us, all failed to set high enough our expectation for service delivery. Then we hit upon "raving".
    As in raving, bend over backwards, how high do I need to jump, what else can I do for you today, are you 100% satisfied, service. As in raving, I've never been so impressed, this is refreshing, they treat me like a human being, have I died and gone to heaven, service.
    And by not calling it "customer" service, this value lets it be known that raving service is to be delivered to anyone and everyone with whom we engage.
    Co-worker. Landscaper. Prospect. Vendor. Client. Consultant. Deliveryman. Name who you wish. All are equally deserving. At all times.
    Has this careful articulation of the value worked? Absolutely. Files full of notes, e-mails and letters say so. And so says a client and staff loyalty above the industry average.
    Gratifying proof that delivering raving service delivers raving results.
  • Produce Quality Always
    No Innovative Systems value is more visible than this one. Quality is everywhere and in everything.
    It begins with the people at Innovative Systems LLC: You'll find superior talent at every level, across every discipline. It's the result of us being so selective that for every 250 people who want to be hired, only one is.
    Such an exhaustive approach to finding those with an obsession for quality as intense as our own does have its rewards. Our work has earned numorous compliments for creative, marketing and workplace excellence. it stems from a firm commitment to do the right thing and pride.
  • Embrace Change
    The future is simply a manifestation of choices made in the present. That which we embrace, we become. Embrace change, you become dynamic, a leader, an innovator, an inspiration. Don't, you become history.
    So Innovative Systems LLC embraces, actually seeks out, change. Not annually. Or quarterly. Daily. Through ongoing dialogue with staff, clients and vendors on how to be better.
    There are no sacred cows here. Nothing is sacrosanct. It's always open season on the status quo. It's why we hire the curious, reward the daring and attract the adventurous.
    Success, without change, is improbable. Success, when pursued through change, is inevitable and enduring.
  • Earn a Reasonable Profit
    We owe it to you. Because only through earning a reasonable profit can we secure the talent, technology and resources necessary to seize the opportunities that will help you succeed in today's ever-toughening marketplace.
    Yes, we're in this to make money. And we're not afraid to say it. It is in fact our mission, throughout the company:"Our mission is doing business for profit. First yours. Then ours. We do this by creating
    communications appreciated by audiences everywhere and delivering raving service always."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Personal and Business code of ethics

Aloha from Jim Courtney

“I agree to:

  • Maintain the highest level of professional standards as an employee/citizen/father/brother/spouse/student/friend/associate/teacher/neighbor or any other interaction with fellow human beings and conduct myself with honesty and integrity at all times towards all people.

  • Show respect for my work and contribution to my company and offer my best efforts every day by presenting pertinent, accurate, and objective information.

  • Keep confidences about my company’s business; I will avoid gossip and harsh criticism of others and consistently offer an attitude of understanding toward all people.

  • Listen carefully and allow people to give me information without interrupting them or arguing with them.

  • Honor my company and its resources and not squander, steal, or damage its assets; and be punctual and honor the value of time.

  • Accept responsibility for the duties that have been assigned to me each day and collaborate with others in a spirit of teamwork to accomplish defined goals.

  • Continually improve my skills as a person and as an employee through educational enhancement programs to perform my job in a timely way at a high level of excellence.

  • Exhibit high moral character as an individual and not engage in any illegal behaviors that might reduce my value to the company in the eyes of my employer.

  • Offer praise and encouragement to my co-workers when appropriate and be pleasant to people in my business dealings.

  • Show respect to all people in the workplace and honor diversity in all areas including age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, ethnic background, nationality, and religion

The Six Pillars of Character

1. Trustworthiness
Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends and country
2. Respect
Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements
3. Responsibility
Do what you are supposed to do • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your choices
4. Fairness
Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly
5. Caring
Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need
6. Citizenship
Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment

Action Principles

My Action Priciple Pledge

Being my best in service to others. My character is forged by my choices. You will see it in my manner and my confident optimism. It is how I stand and talk, laugh and listen. Use my honor and integrity as the example. Give me work to do; point me to my neighbor in need. Choose me to go first or last. Let me challenge myself to do more. I know what is right. I pledge to improve myself and help others. I am an Action Principles Champion

by Bill FitzPatrick

Download and listen to his 100 Power Principles

Action Principles 1-10
Action Principles 11-20
Action Principles 21-29
Action Principles 30-39
Action Principles 40-49
Action Principles 50-59
Action Principles 60-69
Action Principles 70-79
Action Principles 80-89
Action Principles 90-100

What is Character?

    Is friendly and cooperative when asked to take on responsibilities.
    Listens to and acknowledges the viewpoints of others.
    Treats everyone with respect and dignity to maintain a positive working environment
    Models listening and maintains an open mind.
    Works to establish a respectful and working relationship with mentor
    Accepts constructive criticism and modifies behavior when necessary.
    Is courteous and polite to others.
    Doesn't t use, manipulate, exploit or take advantage of others.
    Works we// as a team member
    Maintains an active role in school and community activities.
    Follows company policies, regulations, and procedures.
    Shows initiative by becoming helpful and resourceful. Indicates a positive and enthusiastic
    work attitude.
    Ensures compliance with legal and reporting procedures and regulations.
    Accurately reports hours worked according to required procedures.
    Takes care of equipment and resources.
    Demonstrates a knowledge and interest in ethical, political economical, and environmental
    issues that impact the career and the country.
    Accepts responsibility and is accountable for quality of work.
    Perseveres and gets the job done.
    Recognizes what needs to be done.
    Pays attention to detail.
    Dependable in fulfilling commitments.
    Takes pride in work.
    Takes responsibility and is accountable for his or her own actions and mistakes.
    Strives to improve abilities learns new Skills and takes on broader
    Asserts own views in a reasonable manner.
    Gives proper notice of absences.
    arrives on time.
    Works scheduled hours.
    Provides honest feedback on progress and problems.
    Works well with little supervision.
    Keeps confidences and honors a person's right to privacy.
    Develops honest, open and ethical in relationships with others.
    Stands by his or her commitments.
    Earns trust and confidence through honesty and hard work.
    Does not steal, misuse or abuse company property or equipment.
    Uses tact and fairness in dealing With others.
    Is Flexible in coping with different expectations, situations, and diverse
    leadership styles.
    Completes tasks in a timely manner.
    Contributes knowledge, ideas, and skills to others.
    Contributes to the team or organization in seeking solutions to improvements.
    Gives people a reasonable benefit of the doubt
    Concentrates on the positive.
    Demonstrates sound communication skills in conflict situations by using
    openness, flexibility, and a win-win attitude.
    Builds positive relationships with others.
    Shows kindness and is sensitive to the feelings of others.
    Takes time to help others.
    Attends to details.
    Does quality work
    Gives accurate self-evaluation of work performance.
    Works harmoniously with others on a daily basis.
    Respects the property of others.
    Takes the time to talk with people face-to-face about issues.